Pass the Meeples!

Push your luck trying to roll meeples!

Pass the Meeples is a very simple reimplementation of the public domain dice game Pig (wiki).

On your turn, roll two meeples, and depending on how they land you either score some points or you bust.

If you didn’t bust you either have the option to bank the points you got or keep going and risking busting.

The game was born out of a blog post I wrote about Creating a Better Pig, in which I discuss how much the choice of materials matters in the creation of this style of game.

I figured “why not try it with meeples?” and went to create this.

Arguably, the name is a little derivative, but I got attached to the logo, so here we are.

What You Need to Play This

  • Two Meeples
  • A score pad

I sell a boxed version of this game on The Game Crafter here: (link), but you can also just as easily use the meeples from a game like Carcassonne to play this.

If you do decide to use Carcassonne meeples, make sure to clearly mark one side of both meeples to be able to distinguish front from back, and then use this scoring table instead:

2 Face Up1 point
2 Face Down1 point
1 Cartwheeling5 points
2 Cartwheeling20 points
1 Standing10 points
2 Standing30 points
1 Sideways15 points
2 Sideways40 points
MixedAdd them
1 Face Up + 1 Face DownBust!

The reason for this discrepency in tables is due to how Carcassonne meeples overwhelmingly favour cartwheeling (standing on head and arm) over standing. I did an experiment where I rolled both types of meeples 500 times just to see (link).
